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Welcome, i'm Annie

Updated: May 28, 2020


I usually start off my video with

"Yaho. Minasan konichiwa. Annie desu" - which essentially translates into "Hey guys it's Annie". It's something I said without thinking much in my first video, but slowly began to grow on me. It's s warm welcome. And it reflects myself.

I did not start out from Youtube actually. My first piece was a Facebook note I wrote in 2018 about my trip to Aso-san, an active volcano in Aso City, Kumamoto Prefecture. It was my first (and spontaneous) trip that I went on in Japan, and I felt the urge to write down this eventful day. To my surprise, my friends and family showed outstanding support (my mom especially) and told me to continue writing. Hence, I started to write little blogs here and there.


Fast forward,

February, 2019.

I got an internship doing Media production in Tokyo. It was only 25 (working) days, but it was a 25-day life-changing experience. I dearly enjoyed creating contents, and I wanted to continue doing so when I return to university. Hence, I started my Youtube Channel.

Over the past 9 months, I have dived myself into the world of content creation and digital media. I have been testing different medium and creating different contents. It is different every time, sometimes better, some times worse, but there is always somebody reading, or watching, or commenting, or subscribing, and that is what kept me going until this day.


So welcome, welcome to my little virtual journal on the Internet, where I write little articles here and there, where I upload videos every Saturday, and where I share my journey and life milestones in 2018, 2019, and soon - 2020.

It will mostly center myself and university life (i am 19-turning-20 soon). It might cover my trips, my daily life, or my reflection on this crazy roller-coaster. It will be a mess, but it will be a fun mess.

Will you accompany me ~ ?

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Unknown member
Dec 24, 2019

Thank you ;)


Dec 24, 2019


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